Saturday, June 2, 2012

Oh, great. Another blog. I mean, oh, another GREAT blog!

So, I was thinking what my first post should be about. It should really come in with fanfare and awesomeness, right? Well, that isn't this post, but at least I can talk a little about what is going down here.
I contemplated the big "Why?". You know, the "Why does the internet need another blog?". Well, the internet doesn't, but I do. I guess most of all I am trying to break my awesome insights out of my head, and that involves you, because without you, I am left to my own devices, that that is never good. So, grab a seat, and enjoy the ride as we talk all things life. Remember, as Leonard Sweet points out, participation trumps excellence. If you wait until you are excellent at something until you start it, you will never start it. But, I'll save that for a full post!

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